Nc Sickle Cell Syndrome Program

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Nc Sickle Cell Syndrome Program

There are many things you can do to help your child manage his disease. While you can't get rid of the disease, you can help your child get sick less often and feel better. You can also help your child best learn how to live with the disease by: Dealing with your feelings Any parent who passes a genetic trait or chronic illness on to a child may feel a lot of different feelings. No matter how you feel, it is okay because there are no right or wrong feelings.

What is most important is to how you deal with your feelings. • Become aware of how you feel. • Express your feelings by talking with your partner, a close friend, clergy, or your child’s doctor • Learn more about the disease to help reduce your fears. Get the best medical care • Find a doctor for your child who is experienced in sickle cell disease. Take your child for well child exams as often as the doctor recommends.

Community Events. The North Carolina Sickle Cell Syndrome Program (eastern region). Educating, and Raising Awareness for Sickle Cell Disease. Annual NC Sickle Cell Syndrome Program Client Conference Co-Sponsored by Community Health Interventions and Sickle Cell Agency Double Tree By Hilton. Raleigh, North Carolina, United States Email Phone Web The mission of the North Carolina Sickle Cell Syndrome Program is to promote the health and well-being of persons with sickle cell disease through the reduction of morbidity and mortality and the heightened awareness of the disease and its complications.

Mini Cnc Laser Engraver. • Make sure your child gets all of her baby shots (immunizations) on time. • Help the doctor give your child the best care. Answer his or her questions fully and ask any questions you have about what to do for your child. • Learn as much as you can about the disease. The more you know, the better care you will be able to give your child. Take good care of your child at home • Give your child penicillin daily until your doctor tells you to stop. • Give your child lots of fluids to drink when she is sick, in pain, very active or taking a trip and when it's hot outside.

The rest of the time just make sure your child gets fluids to drink whenever he is thirsty. • Call the doctor right away if your child has a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

Check your child's temperature when you think she might be sick. • Help your child handle any pain he has from the disease.

Try more fluids, quiet play, warm baths, heating pads or warm towels, massages or Tylenol. If these home remedies don't ease the pain, then call the doctor. Get help for your child when it's needed Children with sickle cell disease will probably have times when they do not feel well. You are an important part of your child’s health care team. You will need to know when to get your child help and when you can help her feel better at home. • Learn how to correctly take a temperature and read a thermometer.

• Keep supplies on hand to help you care for your child (e.g. Oral or digital thermometer, pill crusher, medicine dispenser, etc). • You know your child better than anyone else. If you think something might be wrong, call your doctor or nurse. They will help you decide what to do. Take care of yourself and your family • Having a child with sickle cell disease is not easy. The disease affects the entire family.

Help those who are close to your child learn about the disease. • Get support from family and friends.

Coronado Patch Rebecca Zahau here. Let them know how they can help you. You might need someone to listen to you or someone to watch your other children. Think about what you need and ask for it.

• Other parents who have children with sickle cell disease can give you a special kind of support. Find out if there is a parent support group near you and join. • If things get to be too much for you, get help. Talk to your doctor, nurse, clergy or a social worker.

You are not alone. Make sure that you get what you need to give your child the best care. How Can I Help My Child With Sickle Cell Disease? Most children with sickle cell disease can look forward to a full life. It is important that they be prepared for adulthood and living on their own. School, friends, hobbies and work are all part of helping them grow up.

Prevent Problems The best way to help keep your child healthy is to prevent problems from getting started. There are many different ways to prevent problems.

Here are some of the most important ways: • Keep giving your child penicillin until your doctor says to stop. • Take your child for routine check-ups even when he is healthy.

• Make sure your child gets all the shots (immunizations) she needs. • If your child has sickle cell pain, help your child manage it at home • Follow your doctor's advice for care at home Get Problems Treated Early Not all problems can be prevented. But most problems can be handled if they are found and treated early. Watch your child for danger signs and call or take your child to see the doctor when needed. Also, take your child to the doctor for routine check-ups. Help Your Child Take Care of Himself Children with sickle cell disease need to learn to do things for themselves. Sometimes, it is hard for parents of a child with a chronic illness to allow their child to grow up.